The Game Changers Documentary: Perhaps not such a game changer.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen or heard about l the game changers” on Netflix. It’s a very biased vegan espousing documentary and this very intelligent doctor, who’s podcast is fantastic by the way, it’s spot on and really puts it into perspective; that meat is not a problem it’s what we’ve been comparing it to.

Many patients ask me about this kind of stuff so I’ve done more homework. In this documentary it is very convincing propaganda for the plant-based diet. It’s not that plant-based has problems, yes many nutritional limitations, and one would have to supplement their diet with lots of vitamins to make up for the nutritional deficiencies in the diet, it’s basically that the diet is not complete for one’s health. There are plenty of benefits of meat, especially organic grass fed game. Read the link below. It is one of many out there that put this convincing documentary propaganda in a clearer light. I like to say, “follow the money” and if you do, this documentary will find many folks who are not even in the nutrition business funding this documentary, particularly the alleged biggest funder, Hollywood movie mogul James Cameron, who just so happens to own one of, if not the largest, pea protein manufacturing plant in the world. Do your homework.

Anyhow I thought I’d catch you guys and save you some brainwashing with some good facts, In case you were interested, so you can make sound decisions on if you feel plant based is your way to go. In the mean time, i am defrosting some nice grass fed grass finished Chuck roast for dinner tonight.

Here is Dr. Peter Attia’s commentary, it is worth your time.

Is ditching meat a “game-changer” for your health?

My problem with this film is with its mode of inquiry, not the diet it espouses, per se. Let me state that another way. I’m not against a plant-based diet. I’m against misleading uses of subpar data and speaking with absolute certainty when a bit of humility and nuance should be the standard. The fact is that virtually any diet is better than the SAD (standard american diet) from a health perspective. I’m sure we’d see associated improvements with any of the 47 diets listed on the U.S. News & World Report website if people consciously switched to one of these diets from the SAD. The more insidious problem is the healthy user effect. There are many variables that can and do change that could explain the small associations in these studies between meat or vegetable consumption and disease that have nothing to do with the meat or vegetable, making it virtually impossible to establish cause and effect.”- Dr. Attia

Full fat dairy

Yet another study confirming that the conventional advice to choose non-fat or low-fat dairy over full-fat is misguided & not evidence-based. Full-fat dairy is healthy (when tolerated) & associated with a lower risk of metabolic & cardiovascular disease. -Chris Kresser

Nutrients. 2019 Sep 12;11(9). pii: E2200. doi: 10.3390/nu11092200.

Dairy Fat Consumption and the Risk of Metabolic Syndrome: An Examination of the Saturated Fatty Acids in Dairy. Unger AL1, Torres-Gonzalez M2, Kraft J3,4.

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

“After decades’ worth of research failed to demonstrate a correlation between dietary cholesterol and heart disease, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans1,2 finally addressed this scientific shortcoming, announcing “cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.” 

To this day, the evidence keeps mounting, showing there’s no link between the two. Similarly, the evidence supporting the use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to lower your risk of heart disease is slim to none, and is likely little more than the manufactured work of statin makers — at least that’s the implied conclusion of a scientific review3 published in the Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology in 2018.”

Dr. Zoë Harcombe (

As with all things medical on my site, the information is not meant to replace the advice of your medical doctor, rather, it is here to present you with some information so that you can have a valuable conversation with your medical doctor, so that you both can decide wisely, the risks, benefits and hopeful outcomes that are best for your health. Do not seek these articles and links at my opinion or direction, they are here for your information so you can make wise choices.

Latest Low-Carb Study: All Politics, No Science

The only evidence to be found in this research is evidence of bias.- Georgia Ede, MD

"Recently, the journal Lancet Public Health published a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Minnesota warning people that low-carbohydrate diets can cause early death. The paper, entitled “Dietary carbohydrate intake and mortality: a prospective cohort study and meta-analysis” has enjoyed broad media coverage and ignited passionate debate in nutrition circles around the world."

Here are some more headlines from the study in case you actually believe the mainstream media's take on this flawed study.

"Ludicrous methods", "missing data", "Low-carb diets were not studied", "no substitutions", "no explanations"

"These researchers did not conduct a study of low-carbohydrate diets. They dug up some old "data" from epidemiological studies of heart disease, desperately picked through the rubble looking for anything they could find that might support their dying hypothesis, and then repackaged their observations for public consumption.

Don’t be afraid of this paper tiger. There is no evidence of any kind in this study that low-carbohydrate diets—whether they include meat or not—will have you pushing up daisies any sooner than anyone else."

Here is the article, read it yourself.

Coconut oil lies ?

Nina Teicholz (@bigfatsurprise) 8/31/18, 11:57 AM

Leading UK cardiologist slams professor who claimed coconut oil is POISON. via @MailOnline @DrAseemMalhotra This Harvard professor uninformed. Sat fats have no effect on CVD or total mortality, acc to clinical trial data (the most rigorous kind).

'Apologise, or you'll send Harvard into disrepute': Leading cardiologist slams professor who claimed coconut oil is POISON as talking 'unscientific nonsense'
  • Professor Karin Michels made the controversial claim in Germany last month
  • Among other things, she said coconut oil 'is one of the worst foods you can eat'
  • But Dr Aseem Malhotra, an avid supporter of saturated fats, has hit out at her
  • He asked her to apologise for her 'entirely false' claim and to publicly retract it

Youth sports. Pay to play. A problem, if you ask me (and some experts).

"Pay even more to play.

And here’s what we get: A bunch of players who have favorable birthdays right after the age cut-off and hit puberty early. Who play less for a genuine love of the game than the pursuit of an elusive college scholarship. Who don’t reap the vital mental and physical benefits, physicians and psychologists keep telling us, from playing multiple sports. Who don’t understand the honor and responsibility of representing an entire high school community instead of the just parents in lawn chairs writing the checks.

Article below, insert "your kids sport" in place of soccer.

US soccer and the continued failure of its pay-to-play model - Mark Zeigler


Low carb diet lies and more cholesterol lies.

Are you concerned about recent news regarding low-carb diets? Don’t be. Here’s why eating low carb isn’t likely to shorten your lifespan.

Will a Low-Carb Diet Shorten Your Life? - by Chris Kresser


Dietary cholesterol is a great example. Many “experts” are still telling people to avoid it, yet in 2015 the U.S. removed any set limits on cholesterol in the diet d/t lack of evidence connecting it w/ heart disease.


Cholesterol or Inflammation ?

"By testing a Novartis drug that only affected inflammation — without budging cholesterol — researchers were able to show for the first time that the approach could reduce cardiovascular risk."

“To me, this is like rolling back the clock on statins all the way back to 1994. The first statin came out and we said, ‘Wow, here’s a new class of drugs that can really impact on heart attack and stroke,' " said Paul Ridker, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who has doggedly pursued the “inflammatory hypothesis” of heart disease for more than two decades. Ridker has served as a paid consultant to Novartis. “This is the first step, but a big one that is very exciting.”

So you are on cholesterol lowering statins, hmmm.

Does your prescribing doctor know all that they should ?  . . . . 

David Diamond (@LDLSkeptic)9/11/18, 9:28 AMOur paper has been accepted in Exp Rev Clin Pharm:
"LDL-C Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease: a comprehensive review of current literature"; Article link here (click)
We covered the deception that has fueled the fear of cholesterol & promotion of statins

Prostate screening updates

Prostate Cancer Screening — A Perspective on the Current State of the Evidence

Paul F. Pinsky, Ph.D., Philip C. Prorok, Ph.D., and Barnett S. Kramer, M.D., M.P.H. N Engl J Med 2017; 376:1285-1289March 30, 2017DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsb1616281

Controversy continues to roil around the role of PSA screening in prostate cancer. The authors review the available data and its quality and conclude that the evidence does not indicate that the benefits outweigh the harms.

Rebuttal to Anti-vitamin editorial

The brilliant Rhonda Patrick, stating the facts. Listen and make your own decisions about what feels right for you.

Published on Feb 1, 2014

get omega-3 report:

In this video, Dr. Rhonda Patrick critically analyzes the headline-grabbing editorial entitled "Enough is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements", which stated vitamin and mineral supplementation is useless or even harmful. Rhonda disagrees -- watch the video and find out why.