The First 7 years.
/Give me the first seven years of a child and I’ll give you the man.
-Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Jesuit founder
As it turns out, trusting anyone with our children for those first 7 years was a mistake.
"Their” teaching of our children on the topics of religion, language, race and gender theory, politics, "evolution", geography, space, energy, history, medicine, science, the list goes on, captured our children's minds. Truly, “captured”.
Of course, this doesn’t mean everyone, there were some good ones in our children’s lives, one’s who could see through the fog of lies, but not many, certainly not enough.
The ignorant were teaching their ignorance, that was taught to them by the ignorant that taught them. It has been going on that long. They got to us, we were asleep. Me, you, everyone.
"They" knew right where to start to get to us, our kids. Change the schools and even daycare, and they had our children by seven, if not shortly thereafter.
Home. A parent at home. Home-schooling. Home-church. Home.
They all look pretty wise right now. Home.
They got us. Now we have to reprogram generations. The confusion will be immense, difficult, painful.
It will be a journey at least three times as long to undo the damage done.
Let history (the real history) teach us, so we do not see this pain again.
-Shawn (October 1, 2021)
“If a man is born ignorant,
to parents that are ignorant,
in a society that is ignorant,
lives a life of ignorance,
and eventually dies of ignorance . . . .
ignorance is the norm.
Thus, indoctorination can be called education,
hypnotism can be called entertainment,
criminals can be called leaders,
and lies can be called the truth,
because his mind was never truly his own.
-The Free Thought org.”