Atemporality, Love & Interstellar

“Love is not something we invented. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean something”. -Brand, Interstellar, The motion picture

Love is perhaps the one thing, the only thing, that transcends time and space, love is immediate. It is more powerful than we understand. Perhaps It is “an artifact of a higher dimension that we cannot yet understand or consciously perceive.”

I believe that the human experience we know of as love is a mere fragment of what it truly is. It’s a fractal of the whole. Perhaps we only know love as what we feel, but not what it truly is, for as humans on earth our DNA has been disconnected from its absolute divinity and boundlessness. Not knowing its power and completeness left us with a more painful experience of love around things like, lost love, heartbreak, death of loved ones.

These things would all be used against us to eventually turn away our hearts from the joys of boundless love, a means of protecting us from pain, but in the process nefariously keeping us closed from the boundless proposition of love that Interstellar’s Brand proposed above. Something so big it could never be understood.

What if real true divine love was a million times beyond all we can comprehend? An energy and force so strong that evil could ever pierce it. I believe evil had no choice but to corrupt our DNA so we could not be our all powerful divine children of Creator.

We do not truly understand time. Our 3D world has our known perception of linear time. Einstein theory of Relativity, though now knowingly flawed, connects 4D as space-time. They are connected.

One important discovery of this is that the past present and future are just an illusion. Time in fact exists all at once. Thus, we are imprisoned by time in our 3D spacial interpretation of our earthly world. Time is relative.

Love may be the only thing that can cross all dimensions other than gravity. Love is all powerful. Quantum tunneling through all and any barriers. Once humanity starts to truly, deeply, understand quantum principles like tunneling they will begin to see what I see.

Back to the time discussion. Humans are unique; we can look at a picture or view a home movie or meet with old friends and back-transcend time. We can get lost in a hobby and stop time. For a moment we are transcended. We are no longer in the “now”. This proves that time is beyond linear. It proves that although we cannot escape time, we can transcend it. We can quantum tunnel time, crudely here on earth, but soon like vanguard time jumpers, soon it will be possible for some to move effortlessly through dimensions and realities. In this place of multiple dimensions and realms, there will be no death, as immortal souls do not die, they merely transcend.

Beyond this earthly realm, time will not exist as we know it. We saw this in the movie, where Cooper moved in and out of dimensions and did not age, time was merely relative. This ability to transcend time is referred to as Atemporality. Our progressive and increasing ability to document our lives with technology, generation after generation, lifts the veil of the time lie.

How does this work?

The Stellar data scraping (generative intuitive Ai), and why you need to be contributing your data, to add your data and experiences, deepens the well of data and helps us to more quickly to transcend time into this Atemporality.

This is also likely why the evil ones had to rewrite history with lies, to untether us from the truth and real facts of our past and the real timelines, which would stop our ability to accurately transcend time. A life built on lies and inaccuracies, renders an obscured and illegitimate present and future. This will become very germane to the movie Interstellar in a moment.

Building lies into our past stopped the past from moving truthfully forward. Instead our lives moved forward based on lies. It jailed us in a cyclical veil of lies. Lies, unlike truth, are borne of low frequency. Thus our lives were built on nothing real. And since lies are of a low resonant frequency, as opposed to the high frequency of divine truth, we moved through the ages in a lower frequency and untethered from the truth. This memory-holed our truthful existence, thus building our lives on layers of perpetual inaccuracies. There was no way to get out of this cycle without the truth. This is what those who are awake are living through and noticing. Those asleep, caught in the low frequency matrix, just see chaos building, however those awake see the transcendence.

I believe this is a critical piece of this whole world history of lies. They had to trap us. And they did. Until now. Until a few rogue time transcending quantum beings woke to the call from the divine.

This increased ability to transcend time , Atemporality, has a desirable consequence which is that our ever growing access to the past , specifically the truth of the past, is unbinding us from time. Read that again, UNBINDING US. They broke the bridges humanity needed.

Let me explain.

The evil had to unbind us from our true past, so we could not move forward into truth. So what we are now doing is making the linearity of time a thinner and thinner veil as we move forward. We are unbinding from time. This is happening, some can feel it. Some came here to be the first, to show the way. Some call it timeline jumps, maybe it’s even part of ascension.

But we all feel it, if you’re paying deep attention you can sense it. It’s changing.

This is what happened in Interstellar as time was unbound.

Inside the tesseract in the film, something happened. It was the discovery of Cooper’s love for Murph and his discovery of her love for him. Love was the thing that could transcend all the realities and dimensions and provide Cooper with the answer.

But how?

The memory of the watch he gave her was the ANCHOR into the past, their past, that allowed time to be used to communicate. TO ALLOW THE TRANSCENDENT ENERGY OF LOVE TO GET THROUGH. It was their love that used the watch anchor to connect them beyond the dimensions and realities. The watch anchored them to the past to a common connecting point. Without these principles civilization could not be saved.

As of yet, humans cannot be unbound from time, from our true past, specifically the truth of our past, otherwise we are unbound by the truth of time and there is then no connection point to move into truth. Generationally, spiritual evolution stops. Without these connections there can be no moving forward into Atemporality for humanity.

This is why Murph was the key piece in the movie when Cooper was in the tesseract. It was her connection to the past, the memory of the watch, which gave the benevolent beings the ability to connect to her past. The watch was the anchor point that the benevolent beings needed to connect the dimensions of time and transmit the information necessary into the watch, for Murph to translate , to save humanity. Murph was the bridge. Their love was the bridge. The love to bridge time. The love to entangle everything.

Do you see?

The past was necessary. The memory of the past was necessary. And that past has to be of truth, not lies, for this to work and humanity to be saved. If her past was forgotten, or worse yet a lie, the benevolent ones could not have connected the bridges and connected the information to the watch where she could find it and translated it.

So what might this information have been? Love quantum tunnels all dimensions, realities and space time.

A small group of individuals, who had a constant vigilance to learn and expose their memories, their DNA, and minds to the fantastical hidden Stellar technologies and military and divine declassed truths, truths that for now lie beyond this 3D earthly veil, began a process of being forced to remember. They began the process of advancing humanity into other timelines, dimensions, frequencies and realities where time has another purpose, in-part a tradable commodity.

They began a process of transcending this 3D realm, to a higher level, where death and illness is not existent, where love is boundless and ever present, where the impossible, is the norm.

So who are the benevolent ones in the movie who made it all possible for Cooper and Murph to save humanity ?

I have a feeling . . .

Children of the Sky

Some days when I'm dreaming, I think of how far I have come
All my life's led to this and now I see what I've become
I always had doubted that I could ever be someone
That mattered, that shattered all these glass ceilings up above

All that I want
Is to see all the things that I could be
Destiny is calling me

We are children of the sky, flying up so high
Let me be that one to find the brightest sun
We are children of the sky, guided by the light
Let me reach new heights, stars amongst the night
Children of the sky

I cannot give up hope, though there are storms within my seas
Won't turn back when I lack, sometimes it's hard just to believe
I've wanted to save us from ourselves
Just wanted to raise up, to save us from ourselves

All that I want
Is to see all the things that we could be
Destiny is calling me

We are children of the sky, flying up so high
Let me be that one to find the brightest sun
We are children of the sky, guided by the light
Let me reach new heights, stars amongst the night

When we look back, what we will see?
We were a part of everything
Up in the heavens, down in the seas
We were a part of everything
When we look back, what we will see?
We were a part of everything
Up in the heavens, down in the seas
We're a part of everything

We are children of the sky
Flying up so high ,stars amongst the night
Children of the sky
Take me to new heights, children of the sky)
We're children of the-

-Imagine Dragons


There was a mission, a calling, a family. It was finally time to awaken. “And some days, when I'm dreaming, I think of how far I have come. All my life's led to this and now I see what I've become. I just wanted to raise up, to save us from ourselves. And now, when we look back, what we will see? We will see we were a part of everything, up in the heavens, down in the seas, WE were a part of everything. Children of the sky.”

“From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering. No one has ever known we were among you . . . until now” -Ramirez (Sean Connery, Highlander)

It all makes sense now, the pain, the lessons. We were the ones we were waiting for.

Long ago, there was a plan, a mission, a calling, a family. It is now time, the awakening has begun.

Getting back up

There is something beautiful about people who have tasted bitterness but are still determined to savor the sweetness life has to offer. It takes great faith in something higher and bigger than us to be this strong and survive. And to be this way, choosing to wrestle with this truth, is what elevates us, and everyone around us. Its a frequency thing, they emanate this kind of beauty and faith, it penetrates the void and is infectious to those around them. You can feel it in their presence, they have a sense of calm warmth and they refuse to let life take that from them. I love these kinds of people, people who have stayed gentle in a world that has tried to harden them. To be this resilient and strong is a learned gift, it takes great strength to endure this fragility and not lose the clarity of the beauty beyond the veil of this challenging journey.

These people have known darkness but still offer their light to others. Their kindness is real and genuine, never a tactic or a strategy. These are the people who are here to lift us up, it was always part of the bigger plan. These are the people who give more than they take, they do it willfully and with great love from the heart, even when they are some of the people amongst us to have suffered the greatest of pains and tragedies.

We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us. There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it, and you surround yourself with the people who make you laugh and never stop caressing us with love.

It is not about forgetting the bad and focusing on the good. Learn to transmute the pain into a respect for the love that came from it, after all, if there wasn’t a great love there, there cannot be great pain when it is gone. The key is to see that, and recall the good, and build our lives forward on that love. Rumi once said that goodbyes are only for those who live only through sight, for love is forever, all we need to do is close our eyes and remember. The love never goes away, in fact, it grows larger and deeper as the pain eases. In our darkest moments, we must have faith in that fact.

Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.


The Wounded Healers

“You have to keep breaking your heart, until it opens.” -Rumi

“The people who will know how to survive these coming times of great upheaval will be the wounded healers, the ones who have had their hearts broken over and over again until it has cracked wide open, the ones who have learned from their experiences and now know how to heal themselves.  Because, people who have been broken and know how to put themselves back together again hold the spiritual power of regeneration; they know what it is like to die and to be reborn in a single lifetime. Earth is going through a collective death right now and the people who know how to rebirth themselves will know how to be the midwives for the rebirth of the earth, too.” - Laura Matsue

There is a class of healers amongst us known as the wounded healers. You cannot be born a wounded healer, nor can you be made one. They create themselves through adversity, trial and error, pain and suffering. They conquer fear and find a way to speak their truth, even if they are afraid, because the understand that everything we want in life is on the other side of fear. These healers will bring light to those who are alone and afraid. These healers have found a way out of their darkness, and were able to hardness that wisdom that was gained through their pain and suffering, and were able to use it to help others. These healers are a different kind of warrior and they are the epitome of resilience.

Some say they are not afraid of hell, because they have already lived it. -Chris Yellowbird

I have lost track of how many times I have “died” and yet came back here stronger. But, consequently, I am well prepared for what is next, for humanity. I have never understood this cycle of death and rebirth, until these last 5 years. It is clear to me now, all that I have experienced in my life was training for just this time, as we all head “into the mystic”.

I’ll hear and see you again Dad, soon. Hold the line “out there” in the mystic in the meantime. I’ll find you Pops, like I promised.


35 to 45: In the air tonight

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I’ve seen your face before my friend, and I don’t know if you know who I am

I was there and I saw what you did, Saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you’ve been, it’s all been a pack of lies

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I’ve been waiting for this all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord

You don’t fool me, I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I’ve been waiting for this all my life

For many lifetimes, Oh Lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

Lifetimes, I’ve been waiting.

And the time has come, Oh Lord, you had better pray.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight.

And I am ready. Are you ?

*Study the words, study the video clip, the words tell a secret story and the video shows it. If you are careful, study, think logically, it is all there, the assassins are all right there, and it is in the air tonight. Wait until the truth is revealed, you will then understand what I was saying here.
Oh Lord, He is coming, in the air tonight, the time has come, to make it right. In the air tonight.
35 to 45. Bloodlines. Family. A 60 year plan to save the world. 35 started it, 45 will finish it. It is biblical. Get your house in order.

Where have you been Shawn?

Someone asked me recently, “Shawn, where is your usual website article; it has been awhile ?”

A very truthful statement.

My response is typically, purposefully, calculated.

“If I were to tell you what I have been up to, you would never believe me.”

Frankly, I am tired of being ridiculed by those who are brainwashed and asleep. So, instead, I refer them over to my TWITTER feed with the preemptive warning,

“you are likely not ready for what you are about to learn. The truth is a force of nature, and it will rattle many lives and many brains. I tell them, be sure you are in a good place before you venture over to my Twitter Feed. I tell them to start backwards, from November 1st, and move to the present day.

I also tell them that over the last 2 years here on my website I have been leaving breadcrumbs along the way, particularly in my articles from 2021 to present day. But then I mention that those efforts were not adequately successful. So I headed over to Twitter, where I could leave entire loafs, and reach more people.

PS: you do not need a twitter account, you can just type in the following into any browser and scroll through my feed. I can back up anything you read.



The Dark Night of the Soul

“A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.”

This is the most important work you will do in your lifetime here on earth.

The process to ensue shortly, will be just this, it will be the Dark night of the Soul for many here on Terra, Earth. We must traverse the darkness of the night, to reach the light. This is the process we must endure, and I argue, it must be embraced to the fullest of its pain and struggle if we are to get to the other side of the lies, to the land of the truth and enlightenment, the realm of our spirit and soul. In order for us to grow, we must be pushed into places of discomfort, sometimes great discomfort. This is that time.

If you are a little fearful, good, then it is the right thing. If you are comfortably numb, and cocooned in a place of quiet compliance and contentment, I am deeply worried for your well being. In order for you to remember who you truly are, why you are here, your soul’s journey, the suppressed memories on your DNA must be triggered by a great event, of a magnitude so great that there is no other option than to wade into the storm, and endure. For on the other side of this storm, you will find yourself, your spirit, your soul, in a realm you cannot conceive possible, yet regardless, real and true and honest and free.

So fear not, there are many here to walk this path with you, some have been here a long time, waiting, preparing. We will be together, beside you, if you stumble and fear. Lean on us. The journey is worth it, trust the process, trust us.
It is God's plan.

But first, if you are a little unnerved by what you have just read, stop and read these 2 short pieces first, so I can set the stage for you. I have been at this awhile, a long while in fact, arguably too long, but this is God's plan, this you MUST understand. I was sparked to begin writing these pieces a few years ago, as their dates will indicate, as my own process was triggered. But as I wrote, my messaging became stronger, with 2 pieces specifically, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", and "Comfortably numb", and the writings escalated from there.

As my website suggests, I have always written so that I could digest the far corners of my mind, the things that vexed me, so that I could better understand the topic and understand something deeper within me. These 2 pieces however (and several of the others from 2021 onwards), were written in part for the reader, in an attempt to create a spark of similar curiosity, to initiate the message. Question everything is a inner operation mode for me, and it is what has brought me to this arrival. So, read those 2 pieces, and then watch the video here; the path to your soul's awakening and blossoming may become more clear. This is my greatest wish for you, for us all. I do not have the answers, I am on this grand journey as well, so let us walk together.

Welcome to the new world my brother, my sister. Welcome to our inheritance, the days of gold are about to unfold before us.

But first, there is that storm we must walk though, together. And I see darkening clouds on the edge of town.

“It takes a great spirit to be a willing participant in our ego’s own demise.”

Much love,

-Shawn (Nov 15, 2022)

Facts are facts: We are inside a historical event.

*I am not taking credit for this work, rather, I am spreading the great work and word of Derek Johnson. You can find the complete extensive and exhaustive military and constitutional documents put together this amazing military hero and patriot, here at at His daily educational teachings can be found on TELEGRAM under this link: The world needs more patriots like Derek. God Bless you fine Sir !

President Trump declared 3 National Emergencies in 2018 and 2020, that Congress failed to address, which is a violation of Federal Law via the Constitution, which is why 35,000 plus National Guard members went to D.C. and placed fences around the capitol building which is actually 47 US Code 606, titled War Powers of the President that specifically says, “can shut down the use of Government Facilities.” It wasn’t for the fake inauguration.
47 US Code 606:

The National Guard out of their States and outside of the U.S. means they were Federalized, plain and simple. Not to mention, BUT to mention, they’re called NATIONAL guard for a reason . When they are FEDERALized… they bump up to ACTIVE Duty.
All 50 states of the National Guard have been activated since January 2021.
*P-8 Poseidon = Maritime Patrol-P-8 Poseidons have been active every single day since President Trump Federalized the National Guard to Active Duty January 6 & 17, 2021, via Executive Order 13919 & Title 10, 10 US Code Ch 1209, & 10 US Code 12406.
Executive Order 13848 outlines the Maritime Jurisdiction…

Plus, and first, Articles II & IV of the Constitution outline the President’s duties, and with Congress not doing their job which was a National Security Breach , not addressing 3 National Emergencies declared by the President (Trump) , via Executive Orders 13848, 13919, Title 10, 47 US Code 606, the Stafford Act, the Presidential Emergencies Act, a PEAD (for COG, continuity of government) on Nov 3, 2020, all extended President Trumps powers as President in January 2021. Same as FDR serving 13 years as President due to many of the same powers as President.Donald J Trump , was, and still is, your president and Commander in Chief of the worlds greatest military. And things are about to get real, and real fast.
Article II of the Constitution extended President Trump’s Power as President via Executive Orders 12170, 13848, 13919, 13912, Title 10, 10 US Code 12406, 10 US Code 1209, the Stafford Act, and Presidential Emergencies Act (amongst many others) federalizing the National Guard in January 2021.
The Orders won’t be rescinded until National Emergencies are ADDRESSED and displayed to the public. Law & Order > 1776 Law
It is time to understand we are in a Military Occupancy

Again, Law of War Manual pages 754-838 as President Trump and the MILITARY issued THREE, National Emergencies in 2018 and 2020 that were NEVER addressed by Congress = Breach of National Security.
How did he know to issue a National Emergency in Executive Order 13848 signed September 12, 2018, which also included an Election Fraud Committee with very important dates on how they would report after the 2020 Presidential Election, LONG before Covid and the Election… HOW? How did they know if they didn’t already have intelligence and evidence long before 2020 ?
Those were NOT addressed by Congress and PDJT NEVER terminated those as written in Title 50 Chapter 34…
Therefore, with Powers of the President, via Article II of the CONSTITUTION of 1787, not The Federal Corporation of the District of Columbia’s corrupted constitution they don’t want you to know about, President Trump EXTENDED his powers as President, the same as Franklin D. Roosevelt who served 13 years… same scenario, different kind of war…
By Federalizing no more than 1 MILLION of the National Guard to ACTIVE DUTY for no more than 365 CONSECUTIVE days… as signed in 2020 in Executive Order 13912 and 10 US Code Chapter 1209…
This is the First time in United States History all 50 States were Federalized and sent to one location… D.C. as the world watched 35,000 troops storm D.C. placing a FENCE around the Capitol aka Closing of Government Facilities found in 47 US Code 606 titled “War Powers of the President”…
It’s a Blueprint… it’s like a puzzle. But facts are facts.
These are military LAWS and ORDERS placed from 2017 to 2021 that are STILL active and being enforced. We are under a state of emergency.
Learn your Foundation, the Constitution, and the real system of Government and Laws that WORK for us the people

The LAW OF WAR> MILITARY Action and protocol on foreign occupation inside United States territories and branches of U.S. Governments/offices/sectors that have been occupied by foreign governments/ leaders/ Intelligence/forces, that entity has one year to vacate the U.S. territories and premise. Failure to heed this Warning will result in Full Military defense, retribution and tribulations in accordance with Military Courts, Tribunals, imprisonment or Death.
( this how a senior Military commander stated the Law of Wars in layman's terms )///_____

The illegal election that happened in 2020 was a Military Sting operation to watch the Deep State and their CCP REGIMEN in cohesion/ help from VANGUARD CIA DARPA to control BIG TECH ,MSM outlets and Industries that are also runned by foreign influences that are loyal to Europe Elites add the DAVOS group etc. (Does Elon Musk taking over twitter make more sense now? It should. It was a disinformation and propaganda tool of the Cabal, and now in the hands of the White Hat military).
The military operations were to insure the Deep State would cheat/illegally interfere in U.S elections using foreign powers, foreign occupation, foreign money and social media influences. This domestic [DS] military Coup against a sitting President would ensure activating the LAWS OF WAR PROTOCOL and PROCEDURES that would lead to EXPOSURE of Foreign and Domestic Forces that worked together in a conspired will of corruption to take over the United States and their three branches of government.

On January 20, 2021 the U.S. military white hats issued their first warning to the BIDEN regimen and BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, STATE STREET EXECUTIVES INCLUDING 16 Families and Royals across the world to vacate their actions in the Stolen 2020 U.S. constitutional elections and were told to leave the U.S. territories.

On January 20, 2022 the year long grace period expired and The LAWS OF WAR PROCEDURE WERE FOLLOWED ( and silent military actions operations continued before, during and after the First WARNING of 2021). If people are paying attention to world events (ie. Brazil recently) , and thinking the world has gone mad, well, now you are asking the right questions. I have shared above what is going down, not just in the USA. Think logically. You are now inside the storm.

The military of the countries of the world was the only way out of this mess.

Facts are facts. These are irrefutable. Thank you Derek Johnson of the United States Military

The question is, are you prepared for what is about to occur ?

Still need more proof? I have copied and pasted even more details below from Derek Johnson’s social media account, you can find the complete extensive and exhaustive military and constitutional documents here at at


*Important post-script: (* You might want to dive deeper into this website over the past 2 years of installments. The hints have grown stronger and stronger. The recent “Ghosts in the the Machine”,Crumbling and Rising: The Matrix was a Documentary” and “Comfortably Numb” are rather hearty truth suppositories (links to these are up on your right side of this website). “Triumph Over Evil” and “The First 7 Years” just might jolt some hairs up on end as well.

And if those are not enough, what if that which I proposed in “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” was all correct? (hint: it is ). Then our lives and everything in them, have been lies from the start, and that Facts are facts, is not always the case when they are lies. Can you handle the truth? Because, the truth is a force of nature, and it is heading into town, and nothing can stop what is coming. The piece, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” was a turning point for me. It is when I fully realized that my perceived reality of the world was terribly unpopular, and radically different than most people’s. I realized that moving forward from that point onward, life would be lonely, but at least truthful. And I was ready to handle that.

Additional Derek Johnson documents, a brief snippet to tempt you:

How did President Trump know to DECLARE a National Emergency TWO years before Covid and the Presidential Election of 2020?
*Executive Order 13848:
This EO was also passed in September 2018, TWO months before midterms 2018.
Proving Military Occupancy started in 2016
Plus inside the Order it says:
Including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

  • International Emergency Economic Powers Act:

  • National Emergencies Act:

  • Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952:

  • 3 US Code Section 301:
    Which specifically says:"The President of the United States is authorized to designate and empower the head of any department or agency in the executive branch, or any official thereof who is required to be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to perform without approval, ratification, or other action by the President (1) any function which is vested in the President by law, or (2) any function which such officer is required or authorized by law to perform only with or subject to the approval, ratification, or other action of the President: Provided, That nothing contained herein shall relieve the President of his responsibility in office for the acts of any such head or other official designated by him to perform such functions. Such designation and authorization shall be in writing, shall be published in the Federal Register, shall be subject to such terms, conditions, and limitations as the President may deem advisable, and shall be revocable at any time by the President in whole or in part. (Added Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, §10, 65 Stat. 712.)

  • Executive Order 13848:Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence,

  • Sec. 8. For the purposes of this order:(e) the term “United States election” means any election for Federal office held on, or after, the date of this order;

  • Congress did NOT address this 2018 National Emergency Declaration.
    President Trump was the first to mention Corona-Virus to the American Public in his February 4, 2020, State of the Union address:
    Minute 45:28 "We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely on the Corona-Virus outbreak in China, my admin will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this THREAT."
    2/2/2020 SOTU Address:

  • Then DECLARED Two more National Emergencies March 13 and 27, 2020, that Congress also FAILED to address to the Nation, therefore President Trump had to use War Powers and Emergency Powers of the President granted by Article II and IV of the Constitution, the Presidential Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, Title 10, and made proclamations in:
    10 US Code Chapter 1209:
    Executive Order 13912:

  • It says: Including the National Emergencies Act (50 US Code 1601):

  • It also says in EO 13912:
    * hey, if you are still reading at this point, you are a curious patriot, and you need to go get Derek’s complete package of his years of BRILLIANT hard work, it is free, go here: at

Ghosts in the machine

If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.

Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Who is pulling the strings.

All the world is a stage.

You’ll find us in the shadows.

There were those who felt it was more appropriate to ridicule than to look closely at the truth some were offering. We know exactly what we did, we were a piece of the war. We were a piece of the puzzle, that many could not, or refused to not see, despite our efforts. Knowing the codes and lingo was half the battle in deciphering the battlefield. A military sting operation, codes-decodes was the key. We “fought” for our country by steering truth into the lies of the cabal platforms that were killing us all in one way, or another (the virus). We did what we could for our freedom, our constitution, and most importantly the children.

In a non-kinetic information war, social media and social discussion was the battlefield, and memes, talking, and sharing truths were the weapons of such a war.

This was information warfare, World War 3. The second great revolution.

While the majority slept through these years, until the event, some of us were at work, we were the Ghosts in the Machine.

We were the digital soldiers, the ones in the shadows.

It is wake up time.

-Shawn. Oct 24, 2022

(confused? Start here, back in November, 2021, 2 links to prior written posts. They will explain more. Crumbling, then, rising: The matrix was a documentary. Then read “Comfortably numb

Graphic attached: Who is Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick ? (born May 18, 1986)[1] is an American intelligence official who served as the acting under secretary of defense for intelligence during the Trump Administration. He previously served as the acting assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, national security adviser to the United States attorney general and as a former senior director for intelligence programs for the United States National Security Council (NSC). But, he is someone even more special, on another level, and the reader will find out who he is, soon.

Comfortably numb

You are comfortably numb. And it is about to shake you to your roots. It has compromised your survival, it might even kill you, yet slowly, and then all of a sudden.

It has been all around you. They got to you, and you didn’t even know it. It was stealth, just like in the 1940s, you were programed to be comfortably numb. They kept you busy with a full time day job to pay the bills, and a side job to pay for the kids soccer and music lessons. Then they built social media, to make you realize that the Jones’ kids were doing club soccer or taking private tennis lessons, or gymnastics, or whatever, so you signed your kids up too, and that meant several more hours a week, driving, sitting, waiting while the other chores waited. Then there was your pre-dawn runs that had to happen, the yoga or pilates class, the zoomba classes or bootcamps. Then the chores, some of which you farmed out to try and “buy some time” back. Then you and little people needed fed, then guided on homework, stealth checkups on their social media accounts, then your social media update time to make sure you kept up on the local and global world, trends and passions you only dreamt of getting to. Then, when emails are all answered, lunches packed, schedules checked, you collapse into Netflix or a ball game on the mind control device (tel-lie-vision) where the “programming” and distraction and subconscious reminders to participate in the hedonic treadmill of consumerism, the reminders of drugs you should “ask your doctor about” for that nasty butt rash and insomnia and sporadic anxiety. They were programming us all, softly, stealthily cramming into our limbic systems things we didn’t need, or need to worry about.

This is your life.

This is what you wanted, well, the tel-lie-vision’s (TV) vision of a perfect happy family, of a successful life was what you wanted, not this other unwanted dirt under the fingernails. And so they did all these things to us, so we would not have time, time for you, to look inward, They knew you could be bought, suckered, fooled, programmed, and kept so busy moving your mind into “outward” things to just keep up with the world around you, so that you didn’t have time for “inward things”. Because, if you looked inward, daily, for an hour or more, you would have time to question the hedonic treadmill, the insanity of your, and your kid’s schedules, the unhealthiness of it all. Because, if you looked inward, you could connect to God, connect to your soul, discover your spirit, reconnect with your heart, and the things that really matter. You would have time to critically think about your choices and the world you were a numbed participant in. But, there was no time for that, the latest installment of your 5 running mini-series of Netflix shows was launching tonight, the nighttime comedian had their Johnny Carson slot ready with your favorite musician or celebrity to taut their latest agenda, tequila, movie or favorite charity that you should also take note of and of course, don’t forget the tall glass of your favorite poison created by, and touted by, those same criminals to further perpetuate their plan to keep you comfortably numb. It was always their plan, the whole cabal of them, to program you, to enslave you into keeping up with the Jones’, keeping up with the latest iphone model, the newest SUV, the newest fashions.

They made us slaves, and they made us happy to be as such, or at least, that is what they told us. And we bought it, hook line and sinker, meanwhile they stole our children’s minds and also quite literally stole our children for things unimaginable to those who chose the cabal’s potion of lies that kept them comfortably numb. They were brilliant, they captured many pawns for decades, until some caught on and decided to wage war. Eventually, a sliver of the people saw through the fog, detected the agenda, and unplugged their phones, dropped the streaming services, dropped the ordering in of dinners and lunches, took the kids phones away, removed all social media accounts, stopped the numbing nighttime tall glass of “medicine” , started working out more, reading books, sitting on porches watching the sun rise, and sun sets, reset our clocks to rise with the sun and fall into slumber with the sunsets. And little by little, the agenda became clearer, the birds chirped and we heard them, and the crickets cricked. We started to feel our hearts again, noticed the energy swings of the Schumann Resonance, the earth’s heartbeat. We started smelling the sweetness of the morning air, the peace of every sunrise, the yearning of our hearts, the calmness of our breath, because, because, because we realized we had become uncomfortably numb. And it was time to wake up, and stand up, and fight for God, country and family, and what is right. It was time to wage war on the cabal. “We the people” began to rise; and in time these last 4 years will become known as the 2nd Revolutionary war, an Information war.

The time has now come, if you do not feel it yet, a storm is coming and there is little time left to wake up to the real new agenda of peace, quiet, calmness, laughing, love, God and everything that is pure honest and good.

Hello ? are you hearing me? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.

There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.

-Shawn Sept 30, 2022

Lyrics to Pink Floyd’s “comfortably numb”:

Hello . . . .
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?

Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well, I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again

I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb

I have become comfortably numb

Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on, it's time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb

Words matter. Words remain.

Words, magical potions of unimaginable power. Words. We “spell” them. Yes, words can cast spells. They have for as long as man has walked the earths realm. There are no coincidences we use the word “spell” to describe what we do with letters, to form words, to form sentences, to give meaning, and when one is evil, to cast “spells” of unimaginable evil. Words, they can comfort, hypnotize, lift us up, and even drive us into psychosis. We are in just such living times, mass formation psychosis, because we trusted evil doers. We have just learned that we must wield our words like the sharpest of swords, as they have taken down kingdoms and many a good man. They must be chosen carefully, wisely, for when used carelessly souls can be irreparably damaged. Words last an eternity.

For those here reading my works particularly over the last 1-2 years, at some point in the future you will be able to look back and see that there was a undercurrent theme to my writings. They all had a common topic in mind, and heart, but until the time of the great reveal, one may not see this undercurrent so clearly. Time offers many answers.

What we say to others matters. Even an unspoken intent and emotions behind our words matter. We must be more cautious. And as well, what we say to ourselves matters. If you are kind and loving and speak only the affirmative to yourself, good things will blossom from those seeds of good will. However, if you are tough and rough on yourself over failure and mistakes, you may cast a negative spell on your spirit and soul, so to speak, and perpetuate a vicious cycle. Ask any anxious or depressed person these things, the truth is plain to grasp, though many do not see it until they have left a scar on our soul and spirit. Talking to ourselves ,and others, is a skill, it is a game. One must learn how to play if one wants to win and evolve. Choose to play by the alternate rules? Devolve, misery, anxiety, depression, anger. Spells on our own souls, our own self destruction. Words matter. Words remain. The brain, the mind, are a quantum device, they learns whatever is programed into them, so choose wisely.

My favorite actor is Robin Williams, he is still with us, as he knew the rules of the game and escaped before it was too late. There is a profound speech in one of the most fantastic movies of all time, “Dead Poets Society”. He knocked it out of the park in his part as a true teacher. In this scene, he tells the boys the magical spells words can have.

“words and language, words and ideas can change the world. I have a little secret for you boys, huddle up boys (as he kneels down in the classroom, the boys huddling around him as he whispers . . . ) Huddle up !! We do not read and write poetry because it is cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits, all necessary to sustain life, but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitmann, “oh me, oh life, of the questions of these recurring, of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filled with the foolish. What good amid these, oh life. The answer ? That you are here, and life exists, that the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. Boys, what will your verse be?” -Mr. Keating (Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society)

Mr. Keating asks the boys what verse they will contribute to humanity. I would argue that he was really saying, that words are the most powerful thing on earth, and to use them wisely, and for good. The human race is filled with passion. We are about to truly come alive into who we truly are, and it will be enlightening, transformative. And through that and with that awakening, again we must remember that “poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are the things we stay alive for. The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”

Words are magic, they weave spells. Writing, it weaves spells and give us a glimpse into who we truly are. Insightful writing reveals the monsters we wrestle with under the cover of the days distractions, or it exposes the vexations we consciously ignore, for finding our truth might be unbearable and crush our spirit. But, I propose that is exactly why we should all write, so we can summon the beasts within us, and command they sit across the table from us and uncover their spells and lies we have let them control us with. In doing just this, we gain command and confidence over our self-casted spells, or those which others have made us to believe.

Words, whether in our heads or departing the edge of our lips, they weave spells. They weave both good and bad, all at the expense of our own soul and spirit, and of course at the expense of others when we chose to let them part our lips without great consideration and care. Once into the ether, words, and their intent cannot be brought back. They live forever, so cast your spells wisely and with loving intent. Words matter, words remain.

He died. He died FROM Covid. He died WITH Covid …….. (but it was the car accident into a tree, from the tree limb that then impaled him, as he overdosed on bourbon)……. yet he died with Covid. Words, their spells are unbelievable. Humanity just lived through the most evil witch’s brew. The cauldron was deep and wide, concocted for years, to cast just the right intents upon us all. Humanity fell for it. Many got caught, others, the awake and arguably lucky ones, saw through it. Context is powerful. Will there ever be a more profound time in humanity’s existence where the power of words and their spells swung the broadest of swords? Just two little words, “from”, “with”, both spelled with 4 letters, they just might end the world next time, they came real close this time. Words are more powerful than anything. Words matter. Words remain.

Lies, white lies, purposeful deception, truths. They all begin with thoughts that transcribe to words, words with intent. The intent is the spell. We must come to understand that the intent is the catalyst in the witch’s brew. Words break hearts, lift spirits, crush souls, elevate kingdoms. There are few things more powerful than well chosen words.

After we are gone, other than memories of us, the only thing that will ring through the minds of the ages and our loved ones, are the Words that Remain. Did we leave fellow humans with love and longing for us, or did we leave them with gaping gushing wounds, or worse, death by a thousand paper-cuts.? Unsheath words with great caution and care.

Your Words will Remain. Even with forgiveness, your words will remain, for eternity. Words, spelling, think of them that way the next time your child asks you how to “spell” a word. Tell them, truth, tone, inflection and context, they all matter, perhaps even more than the word itself. Words matter. Words remain.

-Shawn, March 2022

enjoy the well chosen words in the song below.

Words Remain, by Josh Garrels. Simply brilliant, and beautiful.

Heaven and the earth will pass away
But your words all remain

And my hands are growing old
And weary with pain
Still I fold them to pray

To the one unchanged
Yesterday and today
I will try to stay awake
Take my last breath of faith
As I wait for you to come

Take me beyond
This land undone
Over the flood
By your word, spirit, and blood

It was prophesied long ago
Every word set in stone

Not one will pass away
Or walk alone
All that I own

Does not compare
To the love that we share
Please remember me

When the hour arrives
And you must decide
If you’ll wait for me to come

Take you beyond
This land undone
Over the flood
By my word, spirit, and blood


lyrics from Jacaranda, track released September 3, 2008
Josh Garrels - vocals, charango, & classical guitar


To understand a Military Veteran you must know:

1.We left home as teenagers or in our early twenties for an unknown adventure.
2. We loved our country enough to defend it and protect it with our own lives.
3. We said goodbye to friends and family and everything we knew.
4. We learned the basics and then we scattered in the wind to the far corners of the Earth.
5. We found new friends and new family.
6. We became brothers and sisters regardless of color, race or creed.
7. We had plenty of good times, and plenty of bad times.
8. We didn’t get enough sleep.
9. We smoked and drank too much (maybe a few too many drinks, on my part, but never a smoke or chew, and the drinking never got out of hand, thankfully).
10. We picked up both good and bad habits.
11. We worked hard and played harder.
12. We didn’t earn a great wage.
13. We experienced the happiness of mail call and the sadness of missing important events.
14. We didn’t know when, or even if, we were ever going to see home again.
15. We grew up fast, and yet somehow, we never grew up at all.
16. We fought for our freedom, as well as the freedom of others.
17. Some of us saw actual combat, and some of us didn’t.
18. Some of us saw the world, and some of us didn’t.
19. Some of us dealt with physical warfare, most of us dealt with psychological warfare.
20. We have seen and experienced and dealt with things that we can’t fully describe or explain, as not all of our sacrifices were physical.
21. We participated in time honored ceremonies and rituals with each other, strengthening our bonds and camaraderie
22. We counted on each other to get our job done and sometimes to survive it at all.
23. We have dealt with victory and tragedy.
24. We have celebrated and mourned.
25. We lost a few along the way.
26. When our adventure was over, some of us went back home, some of us started somewhere new and some of us never came home at all.
27. We have told amazing and hilarious stories of our exploits and adventures.
28. We share an unspoken bond with each other, that most people don’t experience, and few will understand.
29. We speak highly of our own branch of service, and poke fun at the other branches.
30. We know however, that, if needed, we will be there for our brothers and sisters and stand together as one, in a heartbeat.
Being a Veteran is something that had to be earned, and it can never be taken away. It has no monetary value, but at the same time it is a priceless gift.
People see a Veteran and they thank them for their service. When we see each other, we give that little upwards head nod, or a slight smile, knowing that we have shared and experienced things that most people have not.

So, from myself to the rest of the veterans out there, I commend and thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed for your country. Try to remember the good times and make peace with the bad times. Share your stories. But most importantly, stand tall and proud, for you have earned the right to be called a Veteran.
Happy Veteran Day to my brothers and sisters in arms!
(Copied from unknown author) --- Bryan Weatherby

Crumbling, then, Rising: The Matrix was a documentary.

An old world is crumbling, let it.

The agenda is becoming painfully obvious, let it.

People are questioning fabricated lies they've been told, let them.

Others, are achingly intertwined in a dark domain of inverted reality - let them be.

Even as the matrix slowly collapses, it still uses mind games and manipulation to distort the truth, let it.

Allow the old reality to crumble.

The disproportionate ideologies of Rome to fall.

Let an inorganic reality built on global pessimism and materialistic addiction collapse.

There is an organic process trying to emerge... let it.

Those who have awakened from the matrix will not find salvation in desperately attempting to prove the matrix to itself.

Let the matrix reap its own karma, its life cycle unwind, as it has no choice but to reveal itself through clumsy missteps of parabolic paranoia and pathological persuasion.

Allow those who have a trauma bond with the matrix, to fall in love with systemic deceit.

Humans have to make mistakes to learn. Let them.

The time and focus spent detailing the corruption and mechanistic means of a dying society, can be spent building and creating anew.

Let the old world meet its fate.

No amount of psychoanalysis will cure or stop a broken system from dying.

Be the doula for a new earth.

You're infinite potential woven into the tapestry of a new timeline.

You're free now, if you'd like to be.

A new earth emerges, let it

- Mary Allison 


many of us knew 2-3 years in advance what was happening. We were awake. I tried to tell many about “Q, the plan to save the world”, The greatest military sting in history. As it was all laid out there for me; it was out there for all. i tried to lead with breadcrumbs. I really wanted everyone to join me, but, It required an open mind, and it required homework. It also required faith. Lots of faith.

Welcome out of the matrix. You are free now; we are all free. Slaves no more. -Shawn

I am sharing some things heavy on my heart here, shared this day Nov 10, 2021, before “the event”. Shared here while many still blindly sleep and yet ridicule those who agreed to spend a few years to help with the wake-up program and to do our part to help save America, maybe in some small way the world, and the children. It was always about the children.

There were those who felt it was more appropriate to ridicule than to look closely at the truth some were offering. General Flynn’s digital soldiers and decoders know exactly what we did, we were a piece of the war, the “wake up crew”, a piece of the puzzle, that many could not, and refused to not see, despite our efforts. Knowing the codes and lingo was half the battle in deciphering the battlefield. For example, in the media, testing positive for C-19 meant something different than most people realized, this was a military sting operation, codes-decodes was the key. In a special kind of way, we know we “fought” for our country by steering truth into the lies of the cabal social media platforms that were killing us all in one way, or another (the virus). We did what we could for our freedom, our constitution, and most importantly the children. All the while, many chose to offer ridicule and the chirp of “conspiracy theorist”, meanwhile unknowingly sleeping through the most amazing and most important 3 years this country and world has ever endured. We were here to try and wake the people up, to save them and their children the pain of mistakes and misinformation. Everyone knows someone that was trying to talk clarity and sense into others during this confusing time. Those people were putting their reputation on the line, they were trying to help others to wake up. In a non-kinetic information war, social media and social discussion was the battlefield, and memes, talking, and sharing truths were the weapons of such a war. We were just trying to help.

These last 2-3 years were the most exciting and rewarding of my life. Many who know me know that I put their opinion of me on the line for this cause to try and educate and awaken them to the truth, and lies. Mostly I was met with resistance, laughs, and a jaundiced eye; I expected it, we were told it would often be this way. But, at some point, as things became worse, scarier, I no longer cared what others thought of me and the truths I openly shared, I had to at least try. I continued to speak truth despite chinks in my reputation and a loss of friends, family and clients, something far more important was on the line. Freedom, health, and freeing the children from hell was on the line. While many slept, there were some nights I barely did. In the process many of us lost family and those we thought were friends, others just spoke behind our backs saying we were crazy. We put our reputations on the line for a greater cause, the greatest cause this planet has ever endured. The truth often has a great cost.

Some will dismiss my efforts as meager, I care not, for they know not what I did. We were rewarded with opportunity for our battles and I would do it all over again if I had seen though the fog even sooner than I actually did. The estimated 2-3 thousand hours I put into this journey with a select few others will remain the highlight of my life, without question or comparison. Living “awake” and active during this war was an experience like no other, seeing through the veil of lies and evil as others would not. This was a time of great sadness for me, of anger for what I learned evil can do, of horrors I cannot un-see from what I saw and learned of the children, of frustration that so many would not wake up, and of pain in losing friends and family merely for my beliefs and insights that others refused to open their eyes to. This is going to take us all a long time to heal when the truth comes out, for all of us. However, I share my pains here in the hopes those who hurt me and my friends, and many others who were merely just trying to help, will stumble upon these painful and frustrating words so they can learn from their actions and choices so humanity learns and does not repeat such a time ever again. For me, I will be living silently for the rest of my life on these topics moving forward, we must move forward. There is no other way. Furthermore, and what will be the reward in my mind, aside from knowing the children are free and safe, what I learned and earned will undoubtedly allow me to give back to my country, community, the children of the world, and remaining friends, in abundance.

How many times through history have the “crazy and dismissed” ended up being right and end up changing the world? Countless. A reminder of a lesson to us all, often times those labelled as crazy end up leading the way, they saw the path more clearly. It had nothing to do with being crazy, clarity is a better word. It is a lesson for us all moving forward so the human race does not find ourselves in this mess again, God willing. With some help, sometimes people see the forest more clearly, undistracted by the trees. We can do this with a little help from our friends. All we have to do is listen, and love. Love is the answer, there is nothing else. Love.

“Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”- Steve Jobs

God bless the children, those who survived, and the millions we have lost to this evil. We will meet again.

“The matrix”, the movie, was a documentary. Think logically. If you were watching carefully, you saw it.

Now that the war is mostly over, as we go through the last parts of “the movie” together, globally, let us come together, shake hands, hug, laugh, rise up, forgive, and move forward into a new beginning. With abundance and love.

Freedom exists, not to do what you like, but having the right to do what you aught.

Freedom. WWG1WGA (Where we go one, we go all)

-Shawn (Nov 10, 2021)

Now, watch the videos, the 2 below will help us all see “the way”, to see how we got here, and how we get out of it to reach our new world, the one waiting for us. Through the veil, I have seen it, it is glorious. You/we are finally free. I came across the Wayseer video somewhere around 2013-14ish, and a switch flipped. I must have listened to it 20+ times as it resonated deeper. It lead me to others, it led to a kind of awakening to reality. Then I fell back asleep to the hypnotizing rhythms of getting through the days and weeks of life, only to awaken again around 2017-18 when the world began to make little sense again for me. The Wayseer video is powerful, I hope you will take a moment to take it in.

** And finally, If you are confused and scared and feel like you are losing your mind, just reach out to me, I am here for you. Even if you left my circle of life because you thought I was losing my mind, I will not give up on good people who just could not see “the way”. And so, if you want to know of the story, in case you are confused by this whole post and do not understand the underlying context, just goto and type in (Q the plan to save the world) and then go back and re-read this post.

The Table

At some point we all have to step out of the shadows, walk to up to the table, pull out the chair, sit, and face the truth.

At some point, we all know our persistent resistance is futile. But, in the meantime, we stand back, resist the chair, stand in the shadows with our fears and lies, and enable our continued suffering. It is as if we feel we deserve it, or do not deserve better. Maybe however, it is our weakness, and fear of the work to be done. Call is lazy, call it fear. What is our truth?

So we stand back, in the shadows of our regret, in the shadows of our shame, and our ill-attempts. We know in our hearts we are not giving our best efforts, we know we are cutting the corners, lying to ourselves, just doing what we need to, just to get by.

Deep in our hearts, we know those half-baked efforts only make it worse and drag out the inevitable. Name your thing, that thing that haunts you. It owns you, until you sit at the table.

So, move to the table, pull up the chair, for there is a reckoning approaching. There will never be a time like this present time in our lifetime, in generation’s lifetimes. There is a storm of all storms heavy on the horizon. Can you feel it ?

It is late September as I write this, and the winds of change are approaching, and I speak not of Autumn. There is an evil in the day’s shadows, and it is about to come face to face with us, and our maker, at the table.

Over the past 3 years I have seen things I cannot un-see. I have been forced to accept things I could not initially believe. These things, . . . . . I had to pull myself up to the table, and just weep. Something had to change.

It owns us all, until we can say we have honestly pulled our chair up snugly to the table, our shadows gathered in open offering hands, and sat with the man, at The Table.

Hear the voice of love that's calling
There's a chair that waits for you
And a Friend who understands
Everything you're going through

But you keep standing at a distance
In the shadow of your shame
There's a light of hope that's shining
Won't you come and take your place

And bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your fear, all your sorrow and your sadness
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table

He can see the weight you carry
The fears that hold your heart
But through the cross you've been forgiven
You're accepted as you are

So bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your trials, all your worries and your burdens
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table

Bring it all
You can bring it all

And come on in, take your place
There's no one who's turned away
All you sinners, all you saints
Come right in and find your grace

Come on in, take your place
There's no one who's turned away
All you sinners, all you saints
Come right in and find your grace

And bring it all to the table
There's nothing He ain't seen before
For all your sin, all your sorrow and your sadness
There's a Savior and He calls
Bring it all to the table

A final thought for the reader,

I write for me, and me alone. These writings are some of my deepest inner struggles and ponderings. They are my stories. These are also stories I have at times told others in a matter of words, and they have resonated there, so I share them here in case they resonate into the troubled or curious corners of other’s lives. I share what I write because if there is any possibility that my words can reach just one person with similar woes or life’s bigger questions, perhaps it can re-weave more than just one tapestry and change more lives exponentially than my own. 

I write about the things in life that I question, things that vex me, that tear at me, that twist me, things that bounce around my mind and rattle my peace and clarity.  Sometimes I start writing these things when there is a mere spark. At first they might be a solitary word that draws in a thought, sometimes it is a phrase from a song, a movie, a poem, a book. I write until that spark settles. It is very often an incomplete thing, something that has to sit dormant, I like to think it is like planting a seed, it has to sit , growing roots below the surface, until it is time to breach the surface asking for more.  I choose to write about them more when they breach, when it is time they seem to call on me again. Like the muse they seem to beckon me, perhaps in a manner of final confrontation to awaken me, and to silence them, by finding honest meaning in their attempt to blossom.

I do this in the great hopes that in my final days my last breath can be a peaceful exhale, and not an anxious final gripping and denying struggle for the things I denied resolving. This method fuels my life, may it fuel yours as well. 

As Hunter Thompson was once quoted, "One of the few ways I can almost be certain I'll understand something is by sitting down and writing about it. Because by forcing yourself to write about it and putting it down in words, you can't avoid having to come to grips with it. You might be wrong, but you have to think about it very intensely to write about it. So I use writing as a learning tool. "