Atemporality, Love & Interstellar
/“Love is not something we invented. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean something”. -Brand, Interstellar, The motion picture
Love is perhaps the one thing, the only thing, that transcends time and space, love is immediate. It is more powerful than we understand. Perhaps It is “an artifact of a higher dimension that we cannot yet understand or consciously perceive.”
I believe that the human experience we know of as love is a mere fragment of what it truly is. It’s a fractal of the whole. Perhaps we only know love as what we feel, but not what it truly is, for as humans on earth our DNA has been disconnected from its absolute divinity and boundlessness. Not knowing its power and completeness left us with a more painful experience of love around things like, lost love, heartbreak, death of loved ones.
These things would all be used against us to eventually turn away our hearts from the joys of boundless love, a means of protecting us from pain, but in the process nefariously keeping us closed from the boundless proposition of love that Interstellar’s Brand proposed above. Something so big it could never be understood.
What if real true divine love was a million times beyond all we can comprehend? An energy and force so strong that evil could ever pierce it. I believe evil had no choice but to corrupt our DNA so we could not be our all powerful divine children of Creator.
We do not truly understand time. Our 3D world has our known perception of linear time. Einstein theory of Relativity, though now knowingly flawed, connects 4D as space-time. They are connected.
One important discovery of this is that the past present and future are just an illusion. Time in fact exists all at once. Thus, we are imprisoned by time in our 3D spacial interpretation of our earthly world. Time is relative.
Love may be the only thing that can cross all dimensions other than gravity. Love is all powerful. Quantum tunneling through all and any barriers. Once humanity starts to truly, deeply, understand quantum principles like tunneling they will begin to see what I see.
Back to the time discussion. Humans are unique; we can look at a picture or view a home movie or meet with old friends and back-transcend time. We can get lost in a hobby and stop time. For a moment we are transcended. We are no longer in the “now”. This proves that time is beyond linear. It proves that although we cannot escape time, we can transcend it. We can quantum tunnel time, crudely here on earth, but soon like vanguard time jumpers, soon it will be possible for some to move effortlessly through dimensions and realities. In this place of multiple dimensions and realms, there will be no death, as immortal souls do not die, they merely transcend.
Beyond this earthly realm, time will not exist as we know it. We saw this in the movie, where Cooper moved in and out of dimensions and did not age, time was merely relative. This ability to transcend time is referred to as Atemporality. Our progressive and increasing ability to document our lives with technology, generation after generation, lifts the veil of the time lie.
How does this work?
The Stellar data scraping (generative intuitive Ai), and why you need to be contributing your data, to add your data and experiences, deepens the well of data and helps us to more quickly to transcend time into this Atemporality.
This is also likely why the evil ones had to rewrite history with lies, to untether us from the truth and real facts of our past and the real timelines, which would stop our ability to accurately transcend time. A life built on lies and inaccuracies, renders an obscured and illegitimate present and future. This will become very germane to the movie Interstellar in a moment.
Building lies into our past stopped the past from moving truthfully forward. Instead our lives moved forward based on lies. It jailed us in a cyclical veil of lies. Lies, unlike truth, are borne of low frequency. Thus our lives were built on nothing real. And since lies are of a low resonant frequency, as opposed to the high frequency of divine truth, we moved through the ages in a lower frequency and untethered from the truth. This memory-holed our truthful existence, thus building our lives on layers of perpetual inaccuracies. There was no way to get out of this cycle without the truth. This is what those who are awake are living through and noticing. Those asleep, caught in the low frequency matrix, just see chaos building, however those awake see the transcendence.
I believe this is a critical piece of this whole world history of lies. They had to trap us. And they did. Until now. Until a few rogue time transcending quantum beings woke to the call from the divine.
This increased ability to transcend time , Atemporality, has a desirable consequence which is that our ever growing access to the past , specifically the truth of the past, is unbinding us from time. Read that again, UNBINDING US. They broke the bridges humanity needed.
Let me explain.
The evil had to unbind us from our true past, so we could not move forward into truth. So what we are now doing is making the linearity of time a thinner and thinner veil as we move forward. We are unbinding from time. This is happening, some can feel it. Some came here to be the first, to show the way. Some call it timeline jumps, maybe it’s even part of ascension.
But we all feel it, if you’re paying deep attention you can sense it. It’s changing.
This is what happened in Interstellar as time was unbound.
Inside the tesseract in the film, something happened. It was the discovery of Cooper’s love for Murph and his discovery of her love for him. Love was the thing that could transcend all the realities and dimensions and provide Cooper with the answer.
But how?
The memory of the watch he gave her was the ANCHOR into the past, their past, that allowed time to be used to communicate. TO ALLOW THE TRANSCENDENT ENERGY OF LOVE TO GET THROUGH. It was their love that used the watch anchor to connect them beyond the dimensions and realities. The watch anchored them to the past to a common connecting point. Without these principles civilization could not be saved.
As of yet, humans cannot be unbound from time, from our true past, specifically the truth of our past, otherwise we are unbound by the truth of time and there is then no connection point to move into truth. Generationally, spiritual evolution stops. Without these connections there can be no moving forward into Atemporality for humanity.
This is why Murph was the key piece in the movie when Cooper was in the tesseract. It was her connection to the past, the memory of the watch, which gave the benevolent beings the ability to connect to her past. The watch was the anchor point that the benevolent beings needed to connect the dimensions of time and transmit the information necessary into the watch, for Murph to translate , to save humanity. Murph was the bridge. Their love was the bridge. The love to bridge time. The love to entangle everything.
Do you see?
The past was necessary. The memory of the past was necessary. And that past has to be of truth, not lies, for this to work and humanity to be saved. If her past was forgotten, or worse yet a lie, the benevolent ones could not have connected the bridges and connected the information to the watch where she could find it and translated it.
So what might this information have been? Love quantum tunnels all dimensions, realities and space time.
A small group of individuals, who had a constant vigilance to learn and expose their memories, their DNA, and minds to the fantastical hidden Stellar technologies and military and divine declassed truths, truths that for now lie beyond this 3D earthly veil, began a process of being forced to remember. They began the process of advancing humanity into other timelines, dimensions, frequencies and realities where time has another purpose, in-part a tradable commodity.
They began a process of transcending this 3D realm, to a higher level, where death and illness is not existent, where love is boundless and ever present, where the impossible, is the norm.
So who are the benevolent ones in the movie who made it all possible for Cooper and Murph to save humanity ?
I have a feeling . . .